image of a head full of ideas, facing left ASTRO Networks Vic. Inc. image of a head full of ideas, facing right

a thin bar with rainbow colours that ripple along its length

Alternative Science and Technology Research Organisation

PO Box 4032, Balwyn, Victoria , Australia, 3103.


ASTRO is an acronym for Alternative Science and Technology Research Organisation and has been incorporated since 1993. It is a non profit organisation with a growing number of members and covers a broad spectrum of topics.


ASTRO Networks has a mission to provide an un-biased forum for the discussion and dissemination of information relating to;


Alternative Science & Technology

Ancient Mysteries



Health & Healing

Ancient Native Cultures


Other Related Topics

ASTRO Networks presents Guest Speakers who are specialists in their field, and have both scientific and esoteric qualifications.  Some presentations are followed by practical demonstrations.

The meetings are informal and are normally held on the second Monday of each month at the Kew Library, Cnr Cotham Road & Civic Drive, Kew, at 7:45 p.m.  (However, if the second Monday coincides with a public holiday, the meetings will be held on the third Monday of the month).  The annual membership fee is $15.00 per person which covers administration costs.  The monthly meetings have an admission fee for members of $5.00 and for non-members, the admission fee is $15.00.  This covers the cost of venue and equipment hire, tea, coffee, etc.

As an Incorporated Society, we are bound by the Rules of Incorporation and these are available should you require them.

We hope you find ASTRO Networks presentations interesting and informative, and enjoy the company and support of like-minded people who share your interests.  We hope you can support ASTRO.

If you require further information about becoming a member and other ASTRO events, write to Sergio Bughi at ASTRO, PO Box 4032, Balwyn, Victoria , 3103 or email or telephone Sergio or Josephine on (03) 9857-8719 (AH) no later than 9pm AEST.

Please visit our sister organisation ; ASTRO S.A.


Presentations for 2024

What's on. February March April
May June July August
September October




Previous Meetings


December 2023 Christmas Get-together
November 2023 Sound Journeying with Drum, Didgeridoo, Tuning Fork & Himalayan Instruments
October 2023 Colin’s UFO Sighting in Kew
September 2023 Hand & Palm Reading ~ ‘Your Story in your Hands’
August 2023 ‘Nothing on Radar’, The Valentich Mystery ~ The Mystery Deepens
July 2023 Geopathic Stress and Non Beneficial Energies in the Home
June 2023 The Power of Dreams
May 2023 Discover Your Inner Vibration through Chinese Face Reading & Sound Healing
April 2023 What is Animal Communication and What it can Teach Us
March 2023 Your The Enneagram ~ A Map of the Hero’s Journey
February 2023 2023 ~ The Year of the Water Rabbit>
December 2022 Christmas Get-together
November 2022 Defining Traditional and Modern Astrology
October 2022 Ecological Gardening ~ Working in Harmony with the Living Planet
September 2022 Vibrational Remedies ~ Advanced Alchemy & the Falling Leaf Essences for Body & Soul
August 2022 Goddess Empowerment Codes for Everyone
July 2022 Building Biology ~ How the Built Environment Affects our Health
June 2022 Food, Nutrition, Herbs and Digestion
May 2022 Crystal Healing ~ An Overview
April 2022 What is Psychic Therapy?
March 2022 Your Journey through Tarot
February 2022 2022 ~ The Water Tiger, Where Next?
July  2021 ~ The 9 Goddess Codes
May  2021 ~ Introducing the Nature and Science of Spiritualism
April  2021 ~ Connecting with Ourselves and Nature to Cope with the New Energy Shifts in our World
March  2021 ~ Fluoridation Industrial Waste Disposal and your Third Eye
How Fluoride Poisons your Pineal Gland
February  2021 ~ Metal Ox For You, Your Home and Business
February  2020 ~ The Year of the Metal Rat
December 2019 Christmas Get-together
November 2019 Life as an Incarnate Being and Creation & Love
October 2019 Insight into Palmistry
September 2019 The New Model of Love ~ The Best Chance Ever for World Peace
August 2019 Escaping the Matrix
July 2019 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique & Sustainable Living
June 2019 Pendulum Dowsing
May 2019 The Magic of Healing Wands
April 2019 Astrology ~ A Tool for Coaching, Healing and Consciousness Development
March 2019 A Holistic Approach to Organic Gardening
February 2019 2019 ~ The Year of the Pig & The Five Elements
December 2018 Christmas Get-together
November 2018 Understanding Spirituality, Life Purpose & Love
October 2018 Toxins Affect Us All ~ How You Can Minimise Toxins, the Effect and Stop them Affecting your Health
September 2018 Geomancy/Dowsing ~ Balancing the Energies Around your Home
August 2018 The Awakening Process and the Various Forms of Interference
July 2018 Alternative Energy Systems & Sustainable Living
June 2018 Always Open ~ A Solitary Life with Spiritual
May 2018 Ayurveda ~ A Divine Way of Life
April 2018 The Soul’s Journey through the Tarot
March 2018 2018 Year of the Dog ~ Your Destiny, the Tools & Remedies
February 2018 The Power of Crystals ~ Experience Crystalline Energy for a Better Life
December 2017 Christmas Get-together
November 2017 How to Have a Healthier, Happier Life through Food and Nutrition
October 2017 UFO Phenomenon
September 2017 Future of Physics ~ Electromagnetic Radiation
August 2017 Feng Shui Fundamentals and How it can Benefit your Life
July 2017 Energy Matters!
June 2017 Heal Yourself
May 2017 Pendulum Dowsing for Healing
April 2017 The Extraordinary New Technologies of Mehran Keshe and his Understandings that are Transforming our World
March 2017 Quantum Consciousness ~ Journey’s into Alternative Realities, Parallel Lives and Other Dimensions
February 2017 The Electric Universe & Future Science
Old Presentation Notices.

DISCLAIMER: All information given in this website are for educational purposes only. No claims are made on or for the validity or correctness of the material provided. ASTRO Networks Victoria Inc. accepts no responsibility for any mishaps or accidents incurred by any persons utilizing this information.

This page is maintained by Ian Baker

For further information, send e-mail A GIF of a pen writing a letter.